Sunday, 13 January 2008

Tags from BIZCUIT

Yes, there we go Biz, the helium vid!

Watched Cloverfield with Nic and Dez before going to Cascaden to watch Steven get own by Zac at pool. Hope Aubrey manage to get wasted, heehee. EH guai lou, better don't leave the country, just go to army AUBREY that way you'll come out buff!

The week was B_O_R_I_N_G! I AM CURSED TO GET SHIT FROM ENGLISH TEACHERS! Mr Ramesh was quite impressed about my attitude in class. Didn't sleep on wednesday night, was half-dead in school on thursday cause I was trying to finish my english coursework draft only to realise I had a chem and a bio coursework! SHIT but it turned out fine, did quite ok for the bio coursework.

A match with OFS on the 30th. Coach Mark said that their just big but not good, hope he's right.
Our B 'Div team seems quite fine from the looks of it (except that the forwards look abit shorthanded). I DON'T WANNA play full-back, it sucks.

First time in my life, I heard mom say this 'lets go get you a new laptop' OH MY GOD! She said it in chinese, cause I was using dad's com for schoolwork. but I denied the offer, thinking that it won't help me this year having a new laptop.

I need cold-rock on monday.

Pizzaboi signing out,

Sunday, 6 January 2008

Last Year in a Nutshell

Yes I'm pretty sure last year was inevitably fun as every year is. Met old friends, made new friends and hanged with best of friends. But still, life is a hangover(weekdays) and hopefully it won't pile up to a nosebleed when I fail chem.

Spent new years eve with a couple of people who never seize to amaze me everyday. That was a feeling of being surprised.

Orientation camp was fun, slept 30 minutes for the first night cause ass-fag Andrew stole my sleeping bag. It was still cool cause I stayed up with Victoria and Tabitha. Bing Xi still owes me $70! The other OGLs were BULL#@%& cause they slept every night!!! But it was still fun crapping around with them. There is always next year Jun Hung!!! Oh yeah, uncle SAYSERN keep the 'bedtime' stories coming!

I need monday OFF! But its like the first day of school and I don't wanna miss that!

Resolution for this year: Get drunk during the next countdown, Get in Shape, Feel Surprised, make New Friends and Fall in love

better get myself together for the year, O LEVELS! And yes Rachel, you'll be watching us burn by studying our asses off.

Wait, I already gotten one of my resolutions done,
Fall in Love.

Pizzaboi signing out,
P.S: I think the girl sitting behind me during the chem retake is HAWT!