Saturday, 25 April 2009

Somebody's very blind today

The match, went okay, played for like 30 mins and nearly scored. However, we have unprofessional ref's, hired by the rugby union, to call for imaginary knock-on's. Well woop-deee-dooo, congrats, maybe if the ref's mom was any smarter, she wouldn't have given birth to a blind ass-face aspiring to be a referee.
Therefore, if the ref was not blind, I would have scored, with an excellent sidestep to finish with a fatass grabing my back while I dived for the try line.
Many thanks to Johnny, for the pass after commiting the last defender.
I just realise that I spent the whole day at home, watching shit for nuts on my com, which is, rather relaxing.
I also just realised, the high amount of comma's I have used in this passage, which is rather disturbing.
Thing's I've learned today: slacking is efficient without mom/dad in the house. Sleeping in the TV room is efficient without my brother in the house.

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