Wednesday, 29 April 2009

I used to have a problem

had a fight with my parents, came outta the house for some fresh air.
then decided to run, but didn't want to do laps.
so I put on my trusty nano, and ran as far as I could.
it wasn't very far, but I kept running.
till I couldn't run no more,
as though sadness,
shortened the time and energy that fueled my will to run.
Maybe it was just my mind, telling me, not to run too far,
not to get lost.
I reached this overhead bridge, across a hawker center.
It was 12:00 a.m
I sat down on the steps, crying, as the cars passed by.
Somehow, it gave me peace, the sound of the slow, soothing wind that the turning wheels brought along.
It was relieving, and my crying stopped.
the sound, the brush, of the very slight and gentle breeze
was just like a person, sitting next to you
trying to comfort you but, there were no words to explain,
no words to understand,
just, air, to feel and to hear, accompanied by engines and gear shifts.
I enjoyed this relief, every moment of it.
This is what my sorrow is worth.
I got up, and walked back.
The run was fast, but the walk was long.
The walk back, was strange and confusing,
like as though, I had never been here, but the slight twitch of the memory
brought me back home.
I wasn't afraid to run too far, I wasn't afraid to get lost.

Saturday, 25 April 2009

Somebody's very blind today

The match, went okay, played for like 30 mins and nearly scored. However, we have unprofessional ref's, hired by the rugby union, to call for imaginary knock-on's. Well woop-deee-dooo, congrats, maybe if the ref's mom was any smarter, she wouldn't have given birth to a blind ass-face aspiring to be a referee.
Therefore, if the ref was not blind, I would have scored, with an excellent sidestep to finish with a fatass grabing my back while I dived for the try line.
Many thanks to Johnny, for the pass after commiting the last defender.
I just realise that I spent the whole day at home, watching shit for nuts on my com, which is, rather relaxing.
I also just realised, the high amount of comma's I have used in this passage, which is rather disturbing.
Thing's I've learned today: slacking is efficient without mom/dad in the house. Sleeping in the TV room is efficient without my brother in the house.

Sunday, 19 April 2009

HI MUCHACHOS, i feel like i owe you guys a zillion apologies for being so lazy and neglecting my blog. so lately life has been alright...we lost the rugby match to jurong by a teensy but so yeah that doesnt count:) though this coming week we have a match against nationaljc! woots. okay so actually i created a xanga account but that's still under going construction. i tell you the features of xanga are KICKA55!

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Im made to do this

waddya want me to say? hmm, btw everyone who reads this blog should know I didn't make the last post, someone else did...but I wouldn't really care, cause my blog is so dead anyway.
Training today is awesome...very tiring but awesome, the previous one was even better with the tackling drills and all. My legs are very unwell due to my 2 week long holiday and its kinda getting better.
P.S:honeydew shake at the bubbletea shop near our school sucks, if ur a fan of honeydew, dun buy there.
P.S:Im just too good at winning you.

Sunday, 5 April 2009

konichiwaz.guys know what annoys me x 5? that fact that blogger has no cute smileys. xanga > blogger
okley so anyways! guess who's back from london/paris? yours truly. went sightseeing...nth much there, the girls in france were hot, whilst the ones in london were....not so..more chupachubba. same goes for the food,the frenchie food was scrullyupmtious and the food in london was....
the picture says it all,really

Either you miss or I catch the bullet

I fucked up bad guys, I guess I wasn't ready to play, was a bad idea to give it a shot. Sorry about the missed tackles, it was so many, I could barely remember. However, I still don't get how I dropped that ball. It was bouncing to a near halt, all I had to do was to take it from the ground, I guess I took the last bounce too lightly. Shit, damn unfit, need to start running, or I'm fucked for NS.
The game was bad, I was bad, I can't be optimistic, cause I already fucked up.

I missed, the smallest margin.
What else can't I miss now?