Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Manchester united fans from Ohio

watched Euro trip on HBO again, still got the laughs for it. Damn the directors , they must be real smart to come up with this kinda shit. still haven't told anyone about this blog yet. pissed off at Gunawans pen writing feature on the bloody tablet PC so decided to hand type it out instead.

is a mother fucking bitch!!! fucking hell, suppose to hand up interview on Monday but didn't cause I was sick so handed up on Tuesday and she fucking marked it as late work. I asked her about it and she said I need to show her an MC of me being unable to attend her class on Monday. what kinda fucking idiot need an MC, she's not even my form tutor??? OH I forgot Black Dorothy needs one. go fuck yourself bitch if you ever find this blog, told her I handed it in to Gina (form teacher) but she said I was in this class long enough to know her rules, she also added that it doesn't really matter cause I 'always' hand in my work late anyway?!?!?!? biased fat cunt, then when Seng Chiy grades gone down by a bit, she start getting all nice to him and shit and giving him a talk about how you should buck up, started acting like a student counselor and all that kinda shit! What a horseblower, but who needs her anyway all I need to know is that I can pass my end of the year which I obviously can cause the teacher marking it will be a non-biased english teacher like Mrs Mok or something like that. She can't even control her diet thats why she's that fat, so damn fat dunno why Dr Barrett want to hire her, if I were to interview someone, see the person so fat know she have no self-discipline. Everytime in class reminding her students indirectly why is she so big "life is about enjoyment and what I enjoy is eating cause I live to eat"
You know what I think??? I think that she manage to get her husband while she still had some sorta figure then started hunking like a gluttinous steriod pumped cow until she couldn't take anymore popyes chicken and switched to eating her own kids, thats why she doesn't have any now. She most probably dip her children in her moms famous curry with collected lard from her last lypo-suction which failed miserably causing a fat flood of the hospital killing all personnel and endangering nearby countries including malaysia, thailand and indonesia. They mistook the overflowing fat for the tsunami but I tell ya she's the one making all the floods. She could be one of those secret weapons for terrorist to threaten the world with the collected amount of shit from her clogged rectum, they could make a fuel-air-explosive just by using her. The amount of fuel energy in her could power North Korea for fifteen decades, they should send her for the nuclear peace treaty instead of truckloads of fuel. If they send her and I'm the dictator, I can just sit back and relax without having to worry for the food or energy resources for my third-world-country. She is by far the teacher that takes the most MCs for the year. (needs to clean her bone collection from her dead offsprings)

She just gave me enough homework to fill her dog bowl, you can guess how many megatons that weigh. So now I'm at home breaking my fingers trying to type her article that is suposedly 'related to english'

Done this post and done more, lovely 15 signing out!

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