Well...guess this blog is really not up to date, like my anti-virus. hehehe anti-virus. Life's a whore and you know it. But it's had its ups and downs. For one, its the holidays. I wasted the very first week of my holidays going to school for coursework and bloody chinese O'levels which is such a bitch! its week 2 not and I guess the slacking/studying/lots of exercise will kick in soon. For starters, I woke up at 5a.m today for a very short 2.4 run, I was panting like a fucking dog. This is not good :( . Then I had a short dip in the pool and the jacuzzi before coming up for breakfast with mom and dad.
I was supposed to follow mom to get her phone and other stuff but mom is now somewhere with her friends leaving me at home doing nothing. Good thing is, their going on a cruise in the Caribbean. A very...very long cruise. How come I never seem to be able to go on cruises like that? Whenever I go on a cruise, I have to go on one of those shitty ones that is free cause mom's a member. The thing is, I'm forced to go and keep mom company otherwise her membership will expire....fuck.
Anyhow, back to my life. The month of may is fucked up cause we lost the finals... indeed a painful defeat in front of the whole school. I cried. Like Jo said, since its over there is nothing we can do about it...fuck.
Some people were on a trip to Russia but some people didn't reply my sms when I say some I mean a certain person... like my BFFL! who obviously was having too much fun and forgot all about replying my sms... jkjk I kid. But that certain/only BFFL not only did not reply my sms but decided to go to England 2 days after coming back from Russia! So obviously did not intend to spend quality time with me!!! ARGH!!! BFFL!!!! jkjk I kid...alot....fuck.
This video is damn cool...check it out.