Something tells me that I should go to church tomorrow, I mean today... I dunno why, maybe I need God to tell me something again and maybe HE wants me there so I can hear it, there, or maybe he just wants me to go to church cause I owe HIM, lots.
Life's getting a little bit slow recently, I wouldn't say life's slower but the recent days. Since match day. Oh yea, I forgot to write about it, played a short rugby friendly with Independent and Barker. Lost to independent and won barker. According to coach, we did bloody well. But there were no official back moves sadly, apologies to Jian Ming, he seemed like he really looked forward to the very un-coordinated moves we did during training. Still, he got his runs and I got my kicks. After that, went to buy ice-cream with 'coke addicted' Quek. I recommended that we buy the grape flavored ice-cream, cause it was fucking nice, but Quek was all unhappy about it. He was like 'Jeus, if the ice-cream is not good, I'll kill you', common man, 60 cents is worth trying for... halfway through walking out of Independent, Quek looked at me while eating his ice-cream and said 'I think we should go back and get another one.' So we did, you gotta admit it Quek, its fucking nice.
Didn't hit the gym today, even though I was supposed to. Got too lazy to move, despite my mom giving me the lift to the gym. Like mr Ang said 'its not how you do it in the gym, its how u drag your lazy ass there'...I'm lazy...and I don't wanna drag my ass today. Don't really have much to write about. Oh yea, watched 'Quarantine' with Nic and Jo the other day, it was quite disturbing which is good for a 'zombie' movie. The main actress is hot, but they should pick an actress with bigger boobs next time, not that I have a problem with small boobs but, if the role is meant to be hot, 'she' better have the whole package...
I seem to notice her alot when she's around, I've been thinking of her quite an awful lot too. Got to get to know her, better. I don't talk to her at all, I mean, I can talk to her but I just don't cause I don't really know her, well. BUT, don't worry, cause Mr Evil will help me out, won't you Mr Evil?
BEST SONG OF THE WEEK: You Can't Shine Like Me by Lil Romeo
Learn that: More balls ready for service means less physical training, although physical training may already consist of balls.
Sunday, 14 December 2008
Friday, 5 December 2008
Isn' she a BEAUTY!

I kinda need inspiration to blog, i keep telling myself that i need to make this blog more interesting, after all, I have not blogged in a really long time. And I guess God needs me to do something with my holiday life, something more interesting, instead of creating a whole line of bomb trucks in generals and then blowing them all up at the same time, kinda like a domino. I've been waking up, playing dota, playing cod4, playing generals, playing RO for the past......, since the holiday started. my dad just came back from Perth and brought alot of goodies back, lobsters, scallops, beef, wagyu beef, oysters and some ribs. I just might be going to australia to further my studies. All I have to do now is to convince my parents, not so much as to convince but give them a good reason. After all, it is my education I'm after.
I found a bird today, a real beauty, I wouldn't say its a 'she' (how do you identify birds anyway???), but 'she's' a beauty. My mom sorta made up a temporary cage for 'her'. 'She' knocked her head on my glass window and landed in my balcony, 'she's' very disoriented now as though 'she's' on crack or something, or she knocked 'her' head really hard on my glass window. I guess 'she' is sort of an inspiration to blog. I'm gonna keep 'her' till 'she's' healed, then release 'her'. Does anyone have an idea where I can get black oil sunflower seeds? I've gotta find something to feed 'her'. Oh yea, I better name 'her' as well. And I got one, I'm gonna name 'her' Debbie. If your wondering why, thats what Spongebob named his pet seahorse.
ARGH! everyone's overseas and I have no one to hang out with...what a bore! Training's a bitch (don't get me wrong, I still love rugby) and my home's so so boring. THE GYM! Yea, the only place for me to hang is my club's gym. There's also free wireless there, along with GOOD FOOD, YUMM. ANYONE WHO NEEDS A PERSON TO HANG OUT WITH, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CALL ME! I sound very despo in the last sentence.
I guess thats the end of my blog entry!
LEARN THAT: spud needs constant back scratching
Wednesday, 3 September 2008
Hey There
Now that your gone, I suddenly see you more differently. I never seem to miss you that much. Despite us being best friends before, I seldom, rarely, thought about you, till now. It just seems really weird, that your just not there. Regardless on how I've never actually met you for four years, I suddenly miss you alot. Maybe cause you were always there and I'd always think I could catch up with you anytime. Not anymore, buddy, my fishing kaki. Maybe it is your time to go? I don't know. I can't judge. There's this part of me that feels really empty right now, similar to the feeling that your stomach's empty, but instead I can't fill it up with pancakes or bacon, even all the cranberry juice on the world can't top it up. Thats the part where you used to fill. Why did you do it? My state of depression has overwhelmed my normalities. I haven't added you to my facebook account yet and I guess it's too late huh? I'll see you soon buddy, very soon.
Thursday, 5 June 2008
It's been a long time

Well...guess this blog is really not up to date, like my anti-virus. hehehe anti-virus. Life's a whore and you know it. But it's had its ups and downs. For one, its the holidays. I wasted the very first week of my holidays going to school for coursework and bloody chinese O'levels which is such a bitch! its week 2 not and I guess the slacking/studying/lots of exercise will kick in soon. For starters, I woke up at 5a.m today for a very short 2.4 run, I was panting like a fucking dog. This is not good :( . Then I had a short dip in the pool and the jacuzzi before coming up for breakfast with mom and dad.
I was supposed to follow mom to get her phone and other stuff but mom is now somewhere with her friends leaving me at home doing nothing. Good thing is, their going on a cruise in the Caribbean. A very...very long cruise. How come I never seem to be able to go on cruises like that? Whenever I go on a cruise, I have to go on one of those shitty ones that is free cause mom's a member. The thing is, I'm forced to go and keep mom company otherwise her membership will expire....fuck.
Anyhow, back to my life. The month of may is fucked up cause we lost the finals... indeed a painful defeat in front of the whole school. I cried. Like Jo said, since its over there is nothing we can do about it...fuck.
Some people were on a trip to Russia but some people didn't reply my sms when I say some I mean a certain person... like my BFFL! who obviously was having too much fun and forgot all about replying my sms... jkjk I kid. But that certain/only BFFL not only did not reply my sms but decided to go to England 2 days after coming back from Russia! So obviously did not intend to spend quality time with me!!! ARGH!!! BFFL!!!! jkjk I kid...alot....fuck.
This video is damn cool...check it out.
Saturday, 26 April 2008
Who's leaving?
It's kinda strange how you would always think I would leave you, for someone else.
It's kinda strange how you would always think I would treat you far from the best.
It's kinda strange how you would always think I would replace you.
I know I would never do that...never...
It's kinda strange how you would always think I would treat you far from the best.
It's kinda strange how you would always think I would replace you.
I know I would never do that...never...
You used to talk to me like,
I was the only one around.
You used to lean on me like,
the only like the only other choice was falling down.
You used to walk with me like,
we have no where that we needed to go.
Nice and slow, to no place in particular.
I used to reach for you when,
I got lost along the way.
I used to listen.
You always had just the right thing to say.
I used to follow you.
Never really cared where we would go.
Fast of slow, anywhere at all.
I was the only one around.
You used to lean on me like,
the only like the only other choice was falling down.
You used to walk with me like,
we have no where that we needed to go.
Nice and slow, to no place in particular.
I used to reach for you when,
I got lost along the way.
I used to listen.
You always had just the right thing to say.
I used to follow you.
Never really cared where we would go.
Fast of slow, anywhere at all.
You told me that you were losing me,
I think I am the one losing you.
You always told me that you hated to be treated second best, that you hate how it felt that way. How it just hurts to be replaced and left out by someone who you love so much, that you cared about, that you always thought of. Yea you hated that.
But it's strange how I feel that way.
I feel replaced, you know how that feels?
Yes you do, how about me?
Yea, I feel second best....always second best....
Remember the times when you always told me that I replaced you.
When you told me that I treated you as my 36th friend.
When you once told me that I was the best friend you had, the only one you trusted the most.
I just wanted you to know how you would always be my number 1.
Wish you knew how much you meant to me but, its ok, it doesn't matter...anymore...
I don't matter anymore.
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
who would have known?

Haven't blogged in a while, ha. Well we're in the bowl finals, guess thats great. I don't want us to be in the finals but leave unhappily, I want to leave with out names engraved on that fucking bowl... forever cause that way, least the school was proud of us. You know what would be real cool??..?? if Independent won the Cup, Barker won the Plate and we won the Bowl. HAHAH Acs pawns all, even at crap level.
Well the school is coming to watch us, thats great....nervous but great. Coach subbed me out 3 quarters of the match. I was walking off the pitch with my head down, thinking that I did something wrong. However, you never thought coach would say this but, (clapping) 'Comon Jeus, you did very well'. WoW, first time I heard coach comment positively.
We are playing Pierce for the finals, who was in the same table as us in the! their line-out jumper is fucking tall as given his nickname(chopsticks) he is also damn light therefore the props probably throw him 10 feet in the air to 'contest' the line-out. However he gets owned easy along with the rest of the team. We drew the last time we played them....ohoho....its going to change.
I swear I am cursed to be a full-back, I was actually glad first-half of season that I was fly-half but then when dez recovered I was back in full-back Anything happens blame Louis, don't blame me for blaming Louis, blame E.B for blaming Louis cause E.B told me to blame Louis...HEHE...Louis...Lauren->ass-rapes->Louis...blame him for that! I swear blogger takes for-ever to upload pics...blame Louis, he so fat he made the world spin slower so the internet signal takes longer to get to blogger....chhhhhh.....Louis.
Wednesday, 5 March 2008
Oh yes we made it...hope its far enough.

Haven't blogged since God knows when, we'r in plate. Draw Pierce 10-10, won north-brooks 10-7. Im happy.
The story on how Pizzaboi got his pair of Canterbury gloves.
Dez, Kim, Nic and I were in the Canterbury shop at Heeren. I saw the damn nice gloves and all of a sudden Dez mentioned how Quek would have butter-fingers during the upcoming match as a scrum-half. So I was 'SHIT!!!' then I bought the gloves immediately, burning $55 on it! Damn YOU JOSEPH HOON!
Oh yea happy Birthday Rachel!
Pizzaboi signing out,
P.S: sorry rachel, im 4 minutes late to publish!
Monday, 18 February 2008
Friendship is like a piece of metal that holds together.
It gets so thick,
it turns into bonds you never thought breakable.
The longer you've been apart,
it starts to rust.
Its up to you to polish it,
get rid of the bad to try and make it better again.
Sometimes you tend to mold friendship,
forcing it to turn into something better.
Sometimes, it works.
Sometimes, it bends and breaks apart.
Once that happens, the metal could never have the same shape.
Once that happens, the metal could never be as strong.
The longer you've been together,
it gets thicker, stronger.It gets so thick,
it turns into bonds you never thought breakable.
The longer you've been apart,
it starts to rust.
Its up to you to polish it,
get rid of the bad to try and make it better again.
Sometimes you tend to mold friendship,
forcing it to turn into something better.
Sometimes, it works.
Sometimes, it bends and breaks apart.
Once that happens, the metal could never have the same shape.
Once that happens, the metal could never be as strong.
Once that happens, the metal could never be the same.
I'm sorry for breaking it.
for that second chance
for a break that would make it okay
there's always one reason
to feel not good enough
and it's hard at the end of the day
I need some distraction
oh beautiful release
memory seeps from my veins
let me be empty
and weightless and maybe
I'll find some peace tonight
Playing Pioneer tomorrow, if she comes to watch.
I'll be distracted.
I'll be distracted.
Friday, 15 February 2008
she left me questioning
Happy Valentines Day, no its not so happy but, its worth it.
there I gave it to her, no more coped up feelings pizzaboi! spamed and risked it all. I was not even sure if she would like me. No regrets FOOL!
Got no more nano to blast music, I was just some stupid emo person stoning after school. Managed to get my floorball jersey ordered, you guessed it 15 as a number with Pizzaboi written at the top. Went to YaKun with Young Kouk and Kai, then to Burger King. Met Jon Ng and then went home.
She didn't tell me anything yet, but I shall not rush things.
If you just happen to read this, I'm wouldn't say madly, but I am in love with you.
At the same time, since it just happened I can't stop thinking about you, so I guess madly in love is a right term.
Relate you to something, but your just difficult to describe.
Hey, it ain't easy cause your not the one in love.
there I gave it to her, no more coped up feelings pizzaboi! spamed and risked it all. I was not even sure if she would like me. No regrets FOOL!
Got no more nano to blast music, I was just some stupid emo person stoning after school. Managed to get my floorball jersey ordered, you guessed it 15 as a number with Pizzaboi written at the top. Went to YaKun with Young Kouk and Kai, then to Burger King. Met Jon Ng and then went home.
She didn't tell me anything yet, but I shall not rush things.
If you just happen to read this, I'm wouldn't say madly, but I am in love with you.
At the same time, since it just happened I can't stop thinking about you, so I guess madly in love is a right term.
Relate you to something, but your just difficult to describe.
Hey, it ain't easy cause your not the one in love.
Saturday, 9 February 2008
Lil red packets of joy!
fuck nearly burn all my red packet money yesterday. went to aunts house in the morning, blackjack abit for mom. then went to anna's house for a short visit, liz and ananya was there. then went to nic's house. We decided to go orchard and eat cause we were damn hungry, guess where we ate??? Mezza 9!!! Yes we ate at Hyatt Mezza 9 FUCK!!! the bill was 194!!! fucking 100 per person!!! we ordered fresh oysters, steak, garlic bread and water!!! the fucking water was $9 WTF!!! Garlic bread $6 WTF!!! the rest was ok, very nice. we eat there one time can eat at sharshlik 3 times!!! then went to cascaden to meet aubrey, luke, daryl, wee kiat, desmond and kim. played abit of pool then Jo and J came. then we all started to drink shots. 2 tequila, 2 bombs! HAHAH desmond still wanted his lychee martini! then had abit of vodka lime. daryl went home early, they all went to nic's place to crash except for luke, aubrey and me. then i left after that. was pretty fun despite nic's extremely red face!!!
fucking spent 200 over yesterday!!! this year the money from ang bao damn little, fuck got some people bring their kids to my house then they never give red packet, WTF!!! eh you got no money never mind, at least put 2 dollar or one dollar lah! don't come my house eat so fucking much then leave, never give orange somemore! Got guests downstairs, gotta go now!!!
Pizzaboi signing out,
fucking spent 200 over yesterday!!! this year the money from ang bao damn little, fuck got some people bring their kids to my house then they never give red packet, WTF!!! eh you got no money never mind, at least put 2 dollar or one dollar lah! don't come my house eat so fucking much then leave, never give orange somemore! Got guests downstairs, gotta go now!!!
Pizzaboi signing out,
Wednesday, 6 February 2008
KA ni na bua chi bai fuck! fucking lost my chibai fucking nano!!! fuck all my a7x cannot listen in cab or fucking transport watsoever!!! fucking dog-humping BITCH!!! nah bei chibai!!! fucking SON-OF-A-SLUT! neh mind, neh mind! some fucker still owe me $900 still haven't return yet, that chi-bai kia say after CNY return cause got ang bao lui already. My backup reserve still got a fucking big truckload and plus CNY will get fucking more. BUT FUCK THE FUCKING COVER OF THE chibai nano damn sui, want it cause its damn shiny on the outside and tinted on the inside FUCK! if dad know i lost the fucking nano he will personally impale my ass-crack through an extremely splintered table! CHIBAI. damn du lan now! that chibai that stole it better not let me find out who he is or he sure honk gan, legally or illegally. stupid chee hong kia full of shit!
neh mind i will find a way to get it back, or get another one. school quite fun, besides the fact that i screwed up my bio grades, the rest was fine. wah Glenn's organic nitrous oxide damn power, after drinking it, never sleep for 2 nights. went to cascaden with nic and jo, then went to sahara with kim and luke. POOL OWNING! then guess who we saw there... aiyah not important. then was at sahara till 5am++ then went to kim's house to crash for about an hour sleep till 7.30. then woke luke up for his 4 hour saturday detention while i went home to shower and change to go see the girls match at UWC. the girls was alright but sadly lost the finals. ACS(I) match... don't wanna talk about it, cause i lost my nano there and the game was not very fun. saw morgan, wah now so big size still get owned by jo heheh. Oh yea i joined dance, its quite fun. get to have my skill hours done and learn how act cool . :)
Oh yea one more thing, happy chinese new year blog! (as in I'm wishing my blog) :)
hungry Pizzaboi signing out,
P.S: valentines day is coming....
P.S: Fuck valentines day...
P.S: cause I don't fucking need it
neh mind i will find a way to get it back, or get another one. school quite fun, besides the fact that i screwed up my bio grades, the rest was fine. wah Glenn's organic nitrous oxide damn power, after drinking it, never sleep for 2 nights. went to cascaden with nic and jo, then went to sahara with kim and luke. POOL OWNING! then guess who we saw there... aiyah not important. then was at sahara till 5am++ then went to kim's house to crash for about an hour sleep till 7.30. then woke luke up for his 4 hour saturday detention while i went home to shower and change to go see the girls match at UWC. the girls was alright but sadly lost the finals. ACS(I) match... don't wanna talk about it, cause i lost my nano there and the game was not very fun. saw morgan, wah now so big size still get owned by jo heheh. Oh yea i joined dance, its quite fun. get to have my skill hours done and learn how act cool . :)
Oh yea one more thing, happy chinese new year blog! (as in I'm wishing my blog) :)
hungry Pizzaboi signing out,
P.S: valentines day is coming....
P.S: Fuck valentines day...
P.S: cause I don't fucking need it
Sunday, 13 January 2008
Tags from BIZCUIT
Yes, there we go Biz, the helium vid!
Watched Cloverfield with Nic and Dez before going to Cascaden to watch Steven get own by Zac at pool. Hope Aubrey manage to get wasted, heehee. EH guai lou, better don't leave the country, just go to army AUBREY that way you'll come out buff!
The week was B_O_R_I_N_G! I AM CURSED TO GET SHIT FROM ENGLISH TEACHERS! Mr Ramesh was quite impressed about my attitude in class. Didn't sleep on wednesday night, was half-dead in school on thursday cause I was trying to finish my english coursework draft only to realise I had a chem and a bio coursework! SHIT but it turned out fine, did quite ok for the bio coursework.
A match with OFS on the 30th. Coach Mark said that their just big but not good, hope he's right.
Our B 'Div team seems quite fine from the looks of it (except that the forwards look abit shorthanded). I DON'T WANNA play full-back, it sucks.
First time in my life, I heard mom say this 'lets go get you a new laptop' OH MY GOD! She said it in chinese, cause I was using dad's com for schoolwork. but I denied the offer, thinking that it won't help me this year having a new laptop.
I need cold-rock on monday.
Pizzaboi signing out,
Sunday, 6 January 2008
Last Year in a Nutshell
Yes I'm pretty sure last year was inevitably fun as every year is. Met old friends, made new friends and hanged with best of friends. But still, life is a hangover(weekdays) and hopefully it won't pile up to a nosebleed when I fail chem.
Spent new years eve with a couple of people who never seize to amaze me everyday. That was a feeling of being surprised.
Orientation camp was fun, slept 30 minutes for the first night cause ass-fag Andrew stole my sleeping bag. It was still cool cause I stayed up with Victoria and Tabitha. Bing Xi still owes me $70! The other OGLs were BULL#@%& cause they slept every night!!! But it was still fun crapping around with them. There is always next year Jun Hung!!! Oh yeah, uncle SAYSERN keep the 'bedtime' stories coming!
I need monday OFF! But its like the first day of school and I don't wanna miss that!
Resolution for this year: Get drunk during the next countdown, Get in Shape, Feel Surprised, make New Friends and Fall in love
better get myself together for the year, O LEVELS! And yes Rachel, you'll be watching us burn by studying our asses off.
P.S: I think the girl sitting behind me during the chem retake is HAWT!
Spent new years eve with a couple of people who never seize to amaze me everyday. That was a feeling of being surprised.
Orientation camp was fun, slept 30 minutes for the first night cause ass-fag Andrew stole my sleeping bag. It was still cool cause I stayed up with Victoria and Tabitha. Bing Xi still owes me $70! The other OGLs were BULL#@%& cause they slept every night!!! But it was still fun crapping around with them. There is always next year Jun Hung!!! Oh yeah, uncle SAYSERN keep the 'bedtime' stories coming!
I need monday OFF! But its like the first day of school and I don't wanna miss that!
Resolution for this year: Get drunk during the next countdown, Get in Shape, Feel Surprised, make New Friends and Fall in love
better get myself together for the year, O LEVELS! And yes Rachel, you'll be watching us burn by studying our asses off.
Wait, I already gotten one of my resolutions done,
Fall in Love.
Pizzaboi signing out,Fall in Love.
P.S: I think the girl sitting behind me during the chem retake is HAWT!
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